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UNESCO MGIEP partners with UNICEF India to create a chat-bot tech platform on #KindnessMatters

The #KindnessMatters Global Campaign objective is to create a positive culture of kindness where a person’s individual act matters, and to show how it can contribute and make a difference. Moreover, the campaign aims to provide a comprehensive, independent, fun, and engaging pathway for youth to demonstrate how an act of kindness is powerful and transformative.

To do this, young people are invited to share simple acts of kindness on a chat-bot tech platform called U-Report.

U-Report is a movement of young people taking actions for positive change in their communities and their own lives. U-Report India uses Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp to reach young people around the country to get their opinions and ideas, provide them verified information and opportunities, and share resources and toolkits and share acts of kindness that they have completed recently.

Since the launch of the kindness flow on U-Report India, in July 2021, we have been able to collect 20 859 acts of kindness and 5984 pledges. Several chose an act among those suggested and others preferred to share a unique act.

“I forgave myself, accepted my flaws and worried less. I took care of myself more than before and ensured the ultimate goal is to be happy and satisfied. I limited my phone usage, and I am more involved in reading, gardening, etc.”

 “I rescued a bird lying on the side of the road struggling to get away from the crow pecking at it. I took it home and provided water and food to it. When I first bought it home, it couldn't even stand. After feeding, it regained its strength and started to walk. After we were sure it was healthy, we took and left it from where we took it so it could rejoin its family. I was happy that I could save a life.”

 To join, young people can engage by:

1. Sharing a simple act of kindness on their phone

- On WhatsApp: Add the following phone number to contacts +91 9650 14141, type "K3" or "BEKIND" and press send

- On Facebook: visit https://www.facebook.com/UReport.India/

2. Choosing acts among those suggested or sharing a unique act that they have performed.

Exceptional youth who have scored 1,000 points, will be eligible for a Champion of Kindness certificate.

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.