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BSGs as U-Reporters

With a strong sense of morals, the Youth of Bharat Scouts and Guides are now becoming change makers through U-Report India Platform. 

U-Report India entered into a partnership with Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG) in April 2020. Since then more than 100K (1 Lakh) BSG members have enrolled in U-Report India and still counting.

Thousands of BSG Volunteers advocate U-Report India and engage more youth on U-Report. 

Every Year, U-Report India gives away gifts to BSG TOP U-Reporters. Among thousands of Youth Every year we award most prominent & unique BSG U-Reporters who have been actively engaged on U-Report.

BSG U-Report India has participation of more than 60% female who are actively participating in the U-Report Interactions. The most recent interaction, International Day of Girl Child Quiz was drafted, translated and published by the BSG Youth Volunteers who gave hours of their time to create an engaging Quiz for all U-Reporters. 

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.