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In our colorful world, there's a hidden struggle many young Indians face. Almost half of those aged 15-24 keep their mental health challenges to themselves, a huge 41%! But it's time to change this.


We all know about things like feeling sad or worried, right? Well, sometimes these feelings get really strong and make life hard. But some folks think only really sick people have these feelings. That's not true, and it's a big problem.



Here's the good news: things are getting better! A special chatbot from U-Report is here to help. It's like a safe place on the internet where lots of young people chat. Around 28,831 friends joined in, with more girls (58%) than boys (42%). Youngsters aged 15 to 19 were most excited to talk (49%). And guess what? 82 out of every 100 messages got a reply! Kerala rocked the most charts!



Picture credit: Surbhi Sharma

Meet Surbhi Sharma, a brave young person from Madhya Pradesh. She knows all about feeling super worried, especially after COVID. Surbhi's heart would race, and her dad's kind words were like magic medicine.


Guess what she did? She talked to her family and found out she wasn't alone. She said, "You have the power to make yourself better." With their help and her own hard work, Surbhi changed her life. In just a year and a half, she went from feeling sick to feeling awesome.



Surbhi's story shows us something super important: we can't be scared to talk about feeling sad or worried. It's okay to ask for help, just like when we get a cold. And you know what? Talking and helping each other can make our lives better.


So, let's use the power of our words to make things better. We're all in this together. Let's change how we think about mental health, one chat at a time!



1. https://india.ureport.in/opinion/3461/

2. https://india.ureport.in/opinion/3463/

AuthorShreyasi Mitra, Kolkata

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.