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Fostering English Skills with U-Report India

Did you know that Shakespeare added over 1,700 words to the English language? He was a master of inventing new words and phrases, some of which we still use today. For example, "eyeball", "fashionable", "lonely" and "swagger". He also gave us expressions like "break the ice", "dead as a doornail", "heart of gold" and "wild goose chase". The adoption of English language in India has been a controversial and complex issue. Some people argue that English is a legacy of colonialism and a tool of cultural domination. Others claim that English is an asset for education, communication, and development. There is no consensus on the role and status of English in India, and the debate continues to this day. But we can all agree with one unwavering fact, that the percentage of the world population speaking English is approximately 19%[1] and for now, this is the only language that is consistently bridging the communication gap across borders. Indians have adopted it as a second language with approximately 15-20% population being English speakers mostly being young people.[2] According to a survey conducted by Aon, English language skills consistently rank among the top prerequisites for employers in the country. However, a considerable number of India's youth encounter formidable obstacles in mastering and utilizing English due to factors such as limited resources, minimal exposure, lack of guidance, and motivational challenges.

India, a linguistically diverse nation, recognizes English as its most widely spoken language, yet a substantial portion of young Indians confront hurdles on their journey to becoming confident English speakers and writers.


Now we all know, wherever there are Youth Concerns involved, U-Report shall descend to give voices to the young leaders. In September 2022, U-Report India conducted a survey with around 25,000 young people across India asking them if they think English learning is important in today’s world, and a whopping 94% of them agreed. Based on the baseline survey, U-Report India partnered with YuWaah India and English Helper to create a fun and interactive chatbot on U-Report India platforms. The English Helper chatbot has garnered around 180,000 users since it was launched in January 2023. There are 5 interactive modules that constructively create a seamless learning experience for the users.


This innovative digital platform serves as a hub for young individuals to learn English at their own pace and skill level. It facilitates skill practice through back and forth scripted texts. Moreover, U-Report India's impact extends beyond linguistic proficiency. Encouraging youth to employ their English skills for social good, the initiative encourages awareness-raising and action-taking on community issues. By leveraging their newfound language abilities, young people can make substantial contributions to addressing challenges that affect them and their neighborhoods. In a broader context, English proficiency remains a gateway to numerous opportunities. In addition to enhancing employability, individuals proficient in English can confidently participate in the global discourse, connect with international networks, and access a wealth of knowledge available in this language.

Join English Helper:

1. WhatsApp: Send ENGNOW on U-Report India WhatsApp 9650414141

2. Instagram: Send ENGNOW on U-Report India Instagram account inbox @ureportindia

3. Telegram: Send ENGNOW on U-Report India Telegram @ureportindia_bot

4. Facebook Messenger:  Send ENGNOW on U-Report India Facebook Messenger inbox @ureport.india


In conclusion, U-Report India stands as a powerful vehicle for equipping India's youth with the English language skills and various other life skills that they need to thrive in an interconnected world. By democratizing access to learning resources and fostering an environment of collaboration and activism, U-Report India not only addresses a critical educational gap but also nurtures a generation of confident, informed, and socially conscious individuals poised to shape India's future on the global stage.




Syed Danish Arafat

U-Reporter ID-4826189




1.       U-Report India (ureport.in) funDoo-English Helper: Baseline for English Content

2.       U-Report India (ureport.in) Improve your Spoken English

3.       The most spoken languages worldwide 2023 | Statista

4.       List of countries by English-speaking population - Wikipedia


See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.